messages | Search

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1. Online Advertising | King Systems

In the vast Internet space, with more than a billion websites, unless you invest in effective online advertising you risk losing your identity and your online business.

Designed on 12/12/2010 Page Size: 32,365bytesAuthor: King Systems

2. Copywriting | King Systems

Copywriting is the use of words to promote a person, business, opinion or idea. Although the word 'copy' may be applied to any content intended for printing (as in the body of a newspaper article or book), the term 'copywriter' is generally limited to such promotional situations, regardless of media (website, advertisements for print, television, radio or other media).

Designed on 6/9/2010 Page Size: 34,107bytesAuthor: King Systems

3. Print Design | King Systems

The text and graphic content that we prepare for use on website can also be re-purposed for print materials. Conversely, graphics and text created for business cards, brochures and reports can often be utilized for the Web.
At King Systems we always keep the full cycle in mind, so that your print and web materials match effortlessly.

Designed on 6/9/2010 Page Size: 35,914bytesAuthor: King Systems
